ADD FILES This command starts you adding files to the file list. It displays the Add Files window. This window contains these controls: • Current volume button: A "popup" menu showing the name of current volume. To go to a different volume, select its name. Off-line volumes (i.e., ejected) are indicated by a "»" mark. • Current directory button: A popup menu showing the current directory. Use this menu to move back "up" through nested folders. • Files list: Shows all the files/folders in the current directory. Click on a file to select it, [Shift]-click or [Command]-click to select multiple files/folders. Double-clicking on a file adds that file; double-clicking on a folder opens the folder and displays its contents. • Drive button: Goes to the next volume. • Eject button: Ejects the current volume. Active only for 3.5" disk volumes. • Add button: Adds selected files/folders to the Bat Filer file list. • Add All button: Adds the contents of the current directory. • Descendants checkbox: Determines if the "descendants" of folders are added. When checked, when you add a folder, all folders nested within it are also added; when NOT checked, only the files in a folder are added. • Exit button: Finish adding files. To add a file to the Bat Filer file list, either double-click it, or highlight it and click the "Add" button. To add a folder, highlight it and click "Add". To add several files/folders at once, use [Shift]-click or [Command]-click to select the files/folders you want, then click "Add". While files are being added in this way, you can press [Command]-[period] to stop; the process is halted, but files already added remain. Highlighting a folder and clicking "Add" will add all the files in that folder. If the "Descendants" checkbox is activated, all the FOLDERS in that folder will also be added. To finish adding files, click the "Exit" button. To add all the files on a volume, use the Directory button to move to the root directory of the current volume, activate the "Descendants" checkbox, then click "Add All".